Gail Simmons on the Finale of ‘Top Chef’! Plus, ‘Dunk and Egg’ News and ‘The Boys’ Season 4 Premiere.

Gail Simmons on the Finale of ‘Top Chef’! Plus, ‘Dunk and Egg’ News and ‘The Boys’ Season 4 Premiere.
Amazon Studios

The ‘Top Chef’ host joins Chris and Andy to talk about last night’s finale and some of the changes made this season

Chris and Andy talk about the news that production has begun on another Game of Thrones spinoff series based on the Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas (1:00). Then, they talk about the first few episodes of The Boys Season 4 and the direction the show is heading in its final season (13:56). Finally, they are joined by Top Chef host Gail Simmons to discuss last night’s finale episode and some of the competition changes that were made this season (36:09).

Hosts: Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald
Guest: Gail Simmons
Producer: Kaya McMullen

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